Extension of Beauty
Making the hair of your dreams...A REALITY.
The Hair Extensions
I have many sources I use when purchasing hair and will find the right one that matches your hair and budget. Hair is usually sold by the ounce or in four oz bundles. Cost of hair can range between $200-900 depending on type and length. hair is reusable and many of my clients have used their hair for over a year.
Costs of Extensions
The price is determined by the cost of the hair, and how many bonds are needed. A consultation is necessary to determine price. My prices are very reasonable.
I have many clients I have serviced for years -- keeping my prices affordable offers my clients the ability to have their extensions redone when they're suppose to -- not when they can afford to -- not only does this enhance the quality and appearance of the extensions, it also builds a good relationship with clients that provides trust, value and affordability. Many salons charge very high prices and will say they can wear them for 6 months. No extension should stay in longer than 3 months. As a hair extension user myself, I know the value of having a strong relationship with a stylist you can trust to have your best interests in mind -- now, and in the future.